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ROTOW taxa

 Tentative list of valid names for African and Asian rivuline species
 AHL: Aphyosemion ahli  Myers 1933                 Coastal Cameroon
 ANN: Epiplatys annulatus (Boulenger 1915)         Guinea-Liberia
 ARN: Aphyosemion arnoldi (Boulenger 1908)         Niger Delta
 AUS: Aphyosemion australe (Rachow 1921)           Gaboon?
 BAR: Epiplatys barmoiensis Scheel 1968            Sierra Leone/Liberia
 BAT: Aphyosemion batesii (Boulenger 1911)         Cameroon
 BER: Roloffia bertholdi (Roloff 1965)             Sierra Leone/Liberia
 BIF: Epiplatys bifasciatus (Stdr. 1881)           West Africa/Nile
 BIV: Aphyosemion bivittatum (Lonnberg 1895)       Togo/Sp.  Guinea
 BLO: Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold 1911)            S. India
 BUA: Aphyosemion bualanum (Ahl 1924)              E.Cameroon/C.Afr.Rep.
 CAL: Aphyosemion calliurum (Blgr. 1911)           S. Nigeria
 CAM: Aphyosemion cameronense (Blgr. 1903)         S. Cameroon
 CHA: Epiplatys chaperi (Sauvage 1882)             Ivory Coast/Ghana
 CHE: Epiplatys chevalieri (Pellegrin 1904)        C. Congo
 CHR: Aphyosemion christyi (Blgr. 1915)            C. Congo
 CIN: Aphyosemion cinnamomeum Clausen 1963         W. Cameroon
 DAG: Epiplatys dageti Poll 1953                   Liberia/Ghana
 DAY: Aplocheilus dayi (Steindachner 1892)         Ceylon
 DUB: Aphyoplatys duboisi (Poll 1953)              C. Congo
 ELE: Aphyosemion elegans (Blgr. 1899)             C. Congo
 ESE: Epiplatys esekanus Scheel 1968E.             Cameroon
 EXI: Aphyosemion exiguum (Blgr. 191 1)            E. Cameroon/N. Gaboon
 FAS: Epiplatysfasciolatus (Giinther 1866)         Guin‚e/Liberia
 FER: Aphyosemion ferranti (Blgr. 1910)            Kasai, C. Congo
 FIL: Aphyosemionfilamentosum (Meinken 1933)       S. Nigeria
 FLA: "Aphyosemion" flavipinnis (Meinken 1932)     S. Nigeria
 GAM: Fundulosoma gambiense (Svensson 1934)        Gambia
 GAR: Aphyosemion gardneri (Blgr. 1911)            Nigeria/W.  Cameroon
 GER: Roloffia geryi (Lambert 1958)                Guin‚e/Sierra Leone
 GRA: Epiplatys grahami (Blgr. 1911)               S. Nigeria/Cameroon
 GUE: Nothobranchius guentheri (Pfeffer 1893)      Zanzibar
 GUI: Roloffia guineensis (Daget 1954)             Guin‚e/Liberia
 GUL: Aphyosemion gulare (Blgr. 1901)              S. Nigeria
 HOM: Pachypanchax homalonotus (Dumeril 1861)      Madagascar
 LAB: Aphyosemion labarrei Poll 1952               Lower Congo
 LAM: Epiplatys lamottei Daget 1954                High Guin‚e
 LIB: Roloffia liberiensis (Blgr. 1908)            S. Liberia
 LIN: Aplocheilus lineatus (C&V 1846)              India
 LON: Epiplatys longiventralis (Blgr. 1911)        Niger Delta
 LOU: Aphyosemion louessense (Pellegrin 1931)      Brazzaville-Congo
 MAE: Roloffia maeseni (poll 1941)                 W. Ivory Coast/Guin‚e
 MIL: Nothobranchius microlepis (Vinciguerra 1897) Somali
 MUF: Epiplatys multifasciatus (Blgr. 1913)        C. Congo-L. Congo?
 NDI: Aphyosemion ndianum Scheel 1968              W. Cameroon
 NIC: Epiplatys nigricans (BIgr. 1913)             C. Congo
 OCC: Roloffia occidentalis (Clausen 1965)         Sierra Leone
 ORT: Nothobranchius orthonotus (Peters 1844)      Mozambique
 PAN: Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton-Buchanan 1822) India/Indonesia
 PET: Roloffia Petersii (Sauvage 1882)             Ivory Coast/Ghana
 PLA: Pachypanchax playfairi (Gunther 1866)        Seychelles/Zanzibar
 RAC: Nothobranchius rachovii Ahl 1926             Mozambique
 ROL: Roloffia roloffi Roloff 1936                 Sierra Leone
 SEX: Epiplatys sexfasciatus Gill 1862             Ghana/Gaboon
 SIN: Epiplatys singa (Blgr. 1899)                 Lower Congo
 SJO: Aphyosemion sjostedti (L6nnberg 1895)        S. Nigeria/Cameroon
 SPI: Epiplatys spilargyreius (Dumeril 1861)       Trop. Africa
 SPL: Aphyosemion splendidum (Pellegrin 1930)      N. Gaboon
 STR: Aphyosemion striatum (Blgr. 1911)            N. Gaboon
 TAP: Nothobranchius taeniopygus (Hilgend 1888)    Tanganyika
 THI: Fundulosoma thierryi Ahl 1924                W. Africa
 WAL: Aphyosemion walkeri (Blgr. 1911)             Ivory Coast/Ghana
 WER: Aplocheilus werneri Meinken 1966             Asia
 Tentative list of valid subspecies of African and Asian Rivulinae
 DOM: Aplocheilus panchax dorsomarginatus Klausewitz 1957
 MON: Epiplatys dageti monroviae Daget & Arnoult 1964
 SHE: Epiplatys chaperi sheljuzhkoi Poll 1953
 TOD: Roloffia occidentalis toddi (Clausen 1965)
 Tentative  list of ill-defined names, which might prove to be valid  (Nomen 
 AND: Aplocheilus andamanicus (Kohler 1906)        Andaman Islands
 ANS: Epiplatys ansorgei (Blgr. 191 1)             Gaboon
 BAU: Epiplatys baudoni (Pellegrin 1922)           Cent. Afr. Republ.
 BEA: Aphyosetnion beauforti (Ahl 1924)            S. Cameroon
 BRI: Nothobranchius byieni Poll 1938              Katanga, Congo
 COG: Aphyosemion cognatum Meinken 1951            C. Congo
 DEC: Aphyosemion decorsei (Pellegrin 1904)        C. Congo
 FAL: Aphyosemion fallax Ahl 1935                  Nigeria??
 KIY: "Fundulosoma" kiyawense (Ahl 1928)           N. Nigeria
 LUJ: Aphyosemion lujae (Blgr. 191 1)              S. Congo
 MAC: Epiplatys macrostigma (Blgr. 191 1)          Lower Congo Area
 MAG: Aphyosemion margaretae Fowler 1936           E. Congo area
 MAY: Nothobranchius ntayeri Ahl 1935              Mozambique
 MEI: Aphyosemion meinkeni Myers 1933              Unknown
 MEL: Roloffia melanteron (Fowler 1950)            Liberia
 MEP: Nothobranchius melanospilus (Pfeffer 1896)   Tanganyika
 NEU: Nothobranchius neumanni (Hilgendorf 1905)    Tanganyika?
 NIM: Epiplatys nigromarginatus (Schultze 1937)    S. Nigeria?
 OBS: Aphyosemion obscurum (Ahl 1924)              E. Cameroon
 OGO: Aphyosemion ogoensis (Pellegrin 1930)        Gaboon
 OLB: Epiplatys chaperi olbrechtsi Poll 1941       W. Ivory Coast
 ORN: Epiplatys ornatus (Ahl 1928)                 Unknown
 PAL: Nothobranchius palmquisti (Lonnberg 1907)    Tanganyika
 PAT: Nothobranchius patrizii (Vinciguerra 1927)   Somali
 RUR: Nothobranchius rubroreticulatus B&M 1960     Chad
 SAN: Epiplatys sangmelinensis (Ahl 1928)          E. Cameroon
 SCH: Aphyosemion schoutedeni (Blgr. 1920)         C. Congo
 SEY: Nothobranchius seychellensis Ahl 1935        Seychelles Isl.
 SIA: Aplocheilus panchax siamensis Scheel 1968    Thailand?
 ZIM: Aphyosemion zimmeri (Ahl. 1924)              Unknown
 Tentative list of synonyms
 ACU: Epiplatys acuticaudatus (Pellegrin 1913)     = SPI
 BEL: Aphyosemion bellicaudata (Ahl 1924)          = OBS?
 BIT: Aphyosemion bitaeniatum (Ahl 1924)           = BIV
 BOU: Epiplatys boulengeri (Pellegrin 1926)        = MUF
 BRU: Aphyoseinion brucei (Boulenger 191 1)        = GAR?
 CAB: Roloffia calabaricus (Ahl 1935)              = LIB
 CAR: Aphyosemion carnapi (Ahl 1924)               = OBS
 CAS: Aphyosemion castaneum Myers 1924             = SCH
 COE: Aphyosemion coeruleum (Boulenger 1915)       = SJO
 CON: Aphyosemion congicum (Ahl 1924)              = CHR?
 DEF: Epiplatys grahami decemfasciatus (Pellegrin) = SPI
 DOR: Epiplatys dorsalis Mayer 1936                = FAS
 ELB: Aphyosemion elberti (Ahl 1924)               = BUA
 ESC: Aphyosemion escherichi (Ahl 1924)            = CAM?
 GUS: Aphyosention gustavi (Ahl 1924)              = BEA
 HOL: Aphyosemion bivittatum hollyi Myers 1933     = BIV
 INF: Epiplatys infrafasciatus (Gunther 1866)      = SEX
 JAC: Aphyosemion jacobi Ahl 1928                  = EXI
 JAU: Aphyosemionjaundense (Ahl 1924)              = EXI
 KUH: Nothobranchius kuhntae (Ahl 1926)            = ORT?
 LEO: Epiplatys sexfasciatus leonensis Ahl 1937    = FAS
 LOB: Aphyosemion loboanum (Ahl 1924)              = EXI
 LOE: Aphyosemion loennbergii (Boulenger 1903)     = BIV
 LOU: Aphyosemion loloense (Ahl 1928)              = EXI
 MAR: Epiplatys marnoi (Steindachner 1881)         = SPI
 MAT: Epiplatys matlocki Fowler 1950               = FAS
 MIC: Aphyosemion microstomum (Ahl 1924)           = CAM
 MUC: Aphyosemion multicolor (Meinken 1930)        = BIV
 NDE: Epiplatys ndelensis Fowler 1949              = BIT
 NIG: Aphyosemion nigerianum Clausen 1963          = GAR
 NII: Aphyosemion nigri Ahl 1935                   = BIV?
 NOR: Aphyosemion normani (Ahl 1928)               = OBS
 NUC: Pachypanchax nuchimaculatus (Guichen 1866)   = HOM
 PAP: Aphyosemion pappenheimi (Ahl 1924)           = BIV
 PAR: Aplocheilus parvus (Sundaja Raj)             = BLO
 PAS: Aphyosemion pascheni (Ahl 1928)              = AHL?
 POL: Aphyosemion pciychromum (Ahl 1924)           = AUS
 PRE: Aphyosemion preussi (Ahl 1924)               = OBS
 RIG: Aphyosetnion riggenbachi (Ahl 1924)          = BIV
 RUF: Aphyosemion rubrifascium Clausen 1963        = BUA
 RUM: Aplocheilus rubrostigmus (Jerdon. 1849)      = LIN
 RUS: Aphyosemion rubrostictum (Ahl 1924)          = BIV
 SAK: Pachypanchax sakaramyi (Holly 1928)          = HOW
 SRE: Aphyosemion schreineri Ahl 1935              = BEA
 SEN: Epiplatys smegalensis (Steindachner 1870)    = SPI
 SPM: Epiplatys spillmanni Arnoult 1960            = SHE
 SPP: Aphyosemion splendopleure (Meinken 1930)     = BIV
 SPU: Aphyosemion spurrelli (Boulenger 1913)       = WAL
 STE: Epiplatys steindachneri (Svensson 1934)      = BIF
 TAE: Epiplatys taeniatus (Pfaff 1933)             = BIF
 TES: Aphyosemion tessmanni (Ahl 1924)             = BUA
 TRO: Nothobranchius troemneri (Myers 1926)        = ORT
 UNC: Aphyosemion unicolor (Ahl 1924)              = BIV?
 UNS: Aphyosemion unistrigatum Ahl 1935            = BIV
 VEX:  Aphyosemion vexillifer (Meinken 1929)      = CAL
 List  of  probably  invalid  names for  African  and  Asian  rivuline
 (Nomen nudum)
 AMS: Nothobranchius amsinki Ahl 1928
 BUR: Aphyosemion burundi
 HJE: Aphyosemion australe hjerreseni Meinken 1953
 OES: Aphyosemion oeseri (Ahl 1928)
 PIC: Aphyosemion pictum (Meinken 1932)
 RUO: Aphyosemion rubrofasciatum (BrUnning 1930)
 SEF: Epiplatys sexfasciatus (Peters 1863)
 List of names attached to very ill-defined phenotypes (Nomen vanem)
 CHI: Epiplatys chinchoxcanus (Ahl 1924)
 EIM: Nothobranchius eiminki Ahl 1935
 FLV: Epiplatys flavus (Ahl 1924)
 NYO: Epiplatys nyongensis (Ahl 1928)
 ROB: Nothobranchius robustus Ahl 1935
 SUP: Epiplatys superbus (Ahl 1924)
 VOS: Nothobranchius vosseleri Ahl 1924
 ZEN: Epiplatys zenkeri (Ahl 1928)
 List of names which may or may not be valid (Nomen dubium)
 LUT: Aplocheilus panchax lutescens (Kohler 1906)
 MAI: Aplocheilus panchax mattei (Kohler 1906)
 MAN: Aplocheilus panchax marginatus (Kohler 1907)
 MKU: Nothobranchius mkuziensis Fowler 1934 (description not seen)

VRx Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton