All killifish spawn in one of gtwo places. The vast majority of killifish spawn in mid water and deposit a few fertilized eggs daily. Additionall a yarn "spawning mop" can be used to collect the eggs, which are then picked daily and placed in a small dish or on peat to incubate, All plant spawning killifish ehhs hatch in 14-21 days. Substrate sopwning killifish a double digit percentage3 of all killifish but unlike the plant spaewners there are vat differenes in where and how they spanwn. The large4st differnec comes in the incubation perdiond of the eggs. It can be as short as 6 weeks for certain subgenera within Fundulopanchax (the small


Mop, or plant spawning killies

How to breed the plant spawners whose eggs typically take 2 weeks to hatch,