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2007 AKA Show Results

Other AKA show results 2003 2004 2005 2006

Class 1 All Other New World
Points	Place	Award	Entry #	Description	                        Entered by
92	1	BOS	8	Cubanichthys pengelleyi	                Gary Greenwood
89	2		4	Fundulus cingulatus Pinelog Creek	Ken Normandin
88	3		1	Fundulus stellifer	                Joe Scanlan

CLASS: 2 Rivulus
85	1		14	Rivulus species Panama 2004-11     	Ray Van Veen
84	2		15	Rivulus xiphidius Bagne des Annamites	Charles Harrison
83	3		6	Rivulus kuelpmanni PBS 02/18	        Ken Normandin

CLASS: 3 New World Annuals
96	1		10	Austrolebias alexandri San Javier	Keith Cook
95	2		7	Maratecoara lacortei	                Fred Behrmann
94	3		22	Simpsonichthys flammeus Nova Roma	Karl Doering

CLASS: 4 Nothobranchius 
91	1		11	Nothobranchius rachovii MOZ 04/9 Quelimane    John Metzge
84	2		10	Nothobranchius fuscotaeniatus Kitonga North   Thomas Kean
82	3		6	Nothobranchius foerschi	                      Daniel Nielsen

CLASS: 5 Fundulopanchax (except Paraphyosemion)
91	1		5	Fundulopanchax walkeri orange	        Karl Doering
87	2		6	Fundulopanchax species Korup	        Jack Heller
85	3		4	Fundulopanchax arnoldi Ugheli TR01	Thomas Kean

CLASS: 6 Fundulopanchax (Paraphyosemion)
92	1	Langton	11	Fundulopanchax gardneri nigerianus Lokoja	Bob Honeck
91	2		24	Fundulopanchax gardneri gold	                Gary Greenwood
90	3		15	Fundulopanchax oeseri Bioko Island	        David Suffia

CLASS: 7 Fundulopanchax sjoestedti (Blue Gularis)
71	3		1	Fundulopanchax sjoestedti Dwarf Red	Buz Allen
78	1		2	Fundulopanchax sjoestedti	        David Ramsey
77	2		3	Fundulopanchax sjoestedti	        Manfred Schulz

CLASS: 8 Mesoaphyosemion, (except "calliurum" types)
96	1		19	Aphyosemion joergenscheeli GJS 00/13 	John Metzger
95	2		30	Aphyosemion ogoense GHP 80-24	        Monty Lehmann / Raye Anne
94	3		7	Aphyosemion cyanostictum LEC 93/5	Jim Gasior

CLASS: 9 Mesoaphyosemion, ("calliurum" types)
95	1		16	Aphyosemion australe BSWG 97/24 Port Gentil	Frank Carriglitto
93	2		1	Aphyosemion australe Orange	                Bill Dyer
92	3		4	Aphyosemion australe Gold	                Paul Christ / Lynn Larson

CLASS: 10 Chromaphyosemion
79	1		30	Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Ijebu-Odé	Cris Diaz
77	2		7	Aphyosemion splendopleure Tiko Green	Sanford Binder
76	3		14	Aphyosemion loennbergii Kribi CI 2002	John Clairmont

CLASS: 11 Archaphyosemion/Scriptaphyosemion
87	1		1	Archiaphyosemion guineense Kissidougou GRC 90/182	Ruth Warner
85	2		11	Scriptaphyosemion bertholdi Lenghe Curoh SL93-37	Gordon Zahn
84	3		2	Archiaphyosemion guineense Kissidougou 90/182	        Jim Gasior

12 All other aphyosemion (elberti, christi, cognatum, and related types)
84	1		24	Aphyosemion dargei Mbam	                Gordon Zahn
83	2		11	Aphyosemion labarrei Madimba	        John Clairmont
82	3		23	Aphyosemion elberti Kekemense	        Gordon Zahn

13 Epiplatys
88	1		8	Epiplatys lamottei	                John Clairmont
85	2		15	Epiplatys species Masana	        Jack Heller
79	3		6	Epiplatys huberi GJS 00/22 Douengui	John Clairmont

14 Other African and Eurasian
89	1		24	Pachypanchax arnoulti Betsiboka  	Ray Van Veen
88	2		19	Aplocheilus lineatus	                Manfred Schulz
86	3		14	Procatopus similis Mundemba	        Monty Lehmann / Raye Anne

15 Matched Breeding Pairs
94	1		8	Aphyosemion coeleste Mounana	        John Metzger
82	2		6	Aphyosemion ogoense PEG 95/18	        John Clairmont
79	3		4	Aplocheilus kirchmayeri P-03	        Doug Ebeling

Other AKA show results 2003 2004 2005 2006

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Full results available here.

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Richard J. Sexton