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Index of Huber's Infoweb Series

The concept and principles of Killi-Data stem in 1979 along the project of CLOFFA, co-edited by Prof. Jacques Daget, then ichthyological director of the Paris MNHN, with two other European INSTITUTIONS, London BMNH and Tervuren MRAC. CLOFFA, the CheckList Of Fresh Water Fishes of Africa, has been a major publication, that featured each valid freshwater fish taxon of Africa with its type locality, type series, synonyms and used names, linked with bibliographic references. The Cyprinodonts, included in volume III published in 1983, was co-authored by Rudolph H. Wildekamp (Gemert, Holland), Raymond Romand (Clermond-Ferrand, France) and Joergen J. Scheel (Copenhagen, Danmark and Saint Paul de Vence, France), and the present author was requested to act as an advisor to MNHN.

The ancestor of Killi-Data is the "Updated List of Cyprinodontidae species", a booklet of 48 pages published in 1983, at the same time as CLOFFA III, by Jean H. Huber, the present author, Lothar Seegers (Dinslaken, Germany) and Rudolph H. Wildekamp. The ULC contained two basic lists of names: a "valid list" of those names felt valid, with aquarium populations, breeding characteristics and maximum size; a "general list" with all names and their validity status. These two basic lists, together with a foreword in three languages (French, English and German) explaining the systematic choices, were felt to cover the minimum required for a day-to-day reference. All African information were duplicated from CLOFFA, except some recent taxonomic changes in Aplocheilichthyins. A second edition (in 1986) and a third edition (in 1989) have been circulated to incorporate corrections, updatings and minor improvements.

The main constraint with the ULC was purely technical: complicated and rigid programs have had to be written to build the two simple lists. Only, the emergence of new technologies (PC's and spreadsheets as Lotus123, then Excel, with their simple macro-instructions) have allowed to rethink the project to develop Killi-Data. Unfortunately, the two other co-authors, the former deeply involved in his huge project "A World of Killies" and the latter working at his Doctorate thesis on "Lake Rukwa Fishes", declined to participate.

Newsletters Index

Index of Killi-data newsletters provide regular e-mailed information about oviparous Cyprinodonts or Killies.

Killi-Data 2000

Announcement of coming publication of Killi-Data 2000. Information on major systematic shifts.

Miscellaneous news

More explanations on recent taxonomic shifts. Rediscovery of an annual species thought to be extinct and incentive for a conservation program of a threatened non-annual species. Financial accounts of Killi-data, Rivulus and "Comparison" books, with a donation to Paris MNHN.

list of names vs. Wildekamp or Seegers

Comparison of names in Wildekamp's and Seegers's two reference series of books with Killi-Data online.

Killifish conservation programme

News on progress of Killi-Data online. Information on a new international aquarists conservation programme.


Announcement of Killi-Data.org website

August 14, 2002 - Announcement of the official availability of Killi-Data online, with its detailed contents.

Robert Miller Obituary

Announcement of the first decision of the Board of Advisors of Killi-Data online, with its detailed reasons. Full genome of Rivulus marmoratus. Obituary: Professor Robert Rush Miller.

Preliminary killi stats

Announcements of MAPS in the data base, of POCKET Killi-Data 2004, of CD-roms designed by Aquarists, of a new scientific checklist CLOFFSCA on neotropical Cyprinodonts. Proposal of a new platform of cooperation among researchers and between researchers and aquarists


33 challenges in killi taxonomy

Announcement of the availability of Google automatic translator over the whole "Guest" section, of a new powerful Search Engine and of the possibility to pay fees, electronically, with "Pay Pal". The 33 systematic challenges in Killifish research and the development of comparative diagnoses for all Killifish.

Ernst Mayr obituary, key issues to date, petition amateurs-professionals

Analysis of the systematics and nomenclatural status of Killifish, and their outcome following Ernst Mayr's death. The issues and stakes in front of the Killifish community. The petition for "still freedom" and an action plan to comply more with ICZN code.


Aphyosemion, split or not

What is a genus for Killifish? A discussion based on the molecular results of 3 independent research teams on the issue of the genus Aphyosemion


Costa's Catalog of aplocheiloids

Costa's Catalog of aplocheiloid Killifishes of the World: contents, analysis, practical conclusions.


Within a biogeographical review of Cynolebias et al., Simpsonichthys is revised and split by Costa

Simpsonichthys revised and proposed split: contents, analysis, practical conclusions


Rivulus revised and proposed split, still temporary

Rivulus revised and proposed split: contents, analysis, practical conclusions


A major review of Fundulus and allied genera, with a lumping taste


A major symposium focused on the hermaphroditic Killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus

A major symposium focused on the hermaphroditic Killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus


Aphyosemion revised and not split, with 2 new subgenera, Scheelsemion and Iconisemion


The first complete molecular analysis of Nothobranchius reshuffles its phylogeny


Aphanius and the new discoveries in Iran, spurred from Germany with a dynamic Iranian team

Aquarium LHT project, a new venture to boost killifish knowledge with dedicated killi-hobbyists

** This is the last one ** (as of June 2021)

00: Newsletters Index

01: Killi-Data 2000

02: Miscellaneous news

03: list of names vs. Wildekamp or Seegers

04: Killifish conservation programme

05: Announcement of Killi-Data.org website

06: Robert Miller Obituary

07: Preliminary killi stats

08: 33 challenges in killi taxonomy

09: Ernst Mayr obituary, key issues to date, petition amateurs-professionals

10: Aphyosemion, split or not

11: Costa's Catalog of aplocheiloids

12: Within a biogeographical review of Cynolebias et al., Simpsonichthys is revised and split by Costa

13: Rivulus revised and proposed split, still temporary

14: A major review of Fundulus and allied genera, with a lumping taste

15: A major symposium focused on the hermaphroditic Killifish Kryptolebias marmoratus

16: Aphyosemion revised and not split, with 2 new subgenera, Scheelsemion and Iconisemion

17: The first complete molecular analysis of Nothobranchius reshuffles its phylogeny

18: Aphanius and the new discoveries in Iran, spurred from Germany with a dynamic Iranian team

19: Aquarium LHT project, a new venture to boost killifish knowledge with dedicated killi-hobbyists

VRx Copyright 2022
Richard J. Sexton