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Scheel's Letters: Plants for Rainforest Tanks
courtesy of

ARK - Arizona Rivulin Keepers

The Scheel Letters, No. 43

Plants for Rainforest Tanks

Through the years I tried several common aquarium plants in my "rainforest tanks". Only a few established themselves for years.


  • "affinis" also called "haerteliana" is the fastest growing, sometimes too fast.
  • "undulata" (often called "willisii" in the USA and "becketti" in Europe) grows fine. This also does "nevillii" (called "becketti" in the USA).
  • "griffithii" grows slowly at the temperatures I use, but if the temperature is increased to 25 C or more it grows fine.

    Before I changed to "rainforest tank", "beckettii" ("cordata" in the USA, "ciliata" in Europe) was the best of the Cryptocorynes in my tanks. Now it lives but not as the other species. Since I changed to the water and tank type I use now, I have never seen any "Cryptocoryne disease" in my tanks.

  • "ulvaceus" and "crispus" are growing very fine. However, the latter is too high even in my big tanks. The "fenestralis" I have tried would not live.

  • only the very big "martii" species established itself. The other species may live in tanks without Cryptocorynes, not together with these plants. (Species names in accordance with A. Wendt: "Die Aquarienpflanzen")

    Ceratopteris, Amblystegium (a fine moss), the common Hygrophila, Nitella (a form native to Nigeria) grew fine.

    The following would not live under these conditions:
  • Acorus
  • Bacopa
  • Cabomba (5 species have been tried).
  • Elodea
  • Myriophyllum (several species)
  • Sagittaria
  • Vallisneria.

    One species of Ludwigia (I do not know the species name, leaves olive green on the upper side and red on the backside) mostly lives well in such tanks. The Symnea triflorum ("water wisteria") is growing fine, but if temperature is below 23-24 C, the leaves do not develop their beautiful jagged shape.


    VRx Copyright 2022
    Richard J. Sexton